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Rose of Desire

A very intimate love story about the love trials of Entertainer Chris Brown and Author Anita Johnson-Brown, known to the world as Chris and Anita Brown.

Whack MCDoodle and Finding FIGI The Golden Treasure Book 3

Two short stories created from the files of children's classics stories by Chris and Anita Brown. The first story is Whack McDoodle, Join us in a reading adventure, in the first story where miracles and dreams come, and magic is brought to life in a mysterious wonderland of fantasy.

Our second story is about FIGI, a sweet Capuchin Monkey who will warm your heart.

Myrum Styles Murder Mysteries : California Nightmare

Myrum Styles Murder Mystery a short story series, from the Mystery Files of Chris and Anita Brown Fiction with a twist of non-fiction Adult Content, Intimate, Erotic, Smooth Drama Mystery and Suspense.

Also included in this book is a nonfiction story related to, the nightmare in California, about how the coronavirus spread rapidly across our nation, which initially caused a tremendous realm for disaster and destruction, the disease influenced our daily lives locally and internationally.